Just a quick update before the Christmas holiday.
An update as I gripe about having diabetes.
A quick promo from my friend Kevin Gwyn for the Extra Mile Podcast Jeff Galloway Edition.
My weekly update. I talk about vegetarian pizza and vegetable chop suey, and a quick promo for my friends, Chris Russell, book now out on Kindle.
I update while out for a 5 mile walk/run. I talk about vegetarian friendly restaurants, new running shoes and running technical wear.
During a 4 mile fitness walk I give an update. I also talk about the 3 part of my lifestyle.
I go for a walk with Honey and talk about an imperfect world with my plant based whole food life style.
I’m out on a walk with 2 of my children talking about juice fasting. I give an update on my health and life.
1. Daily calorie allowance: 2200
a. 7 serving of fruit and veg
b. Minimize meat intake
c. Starches will be wholegrain when possible.
d. Eat several meals a day.
2. Daily exercise requirement: 45 min.
a. Walk every weekday min 20 min, s/b with dog.
b. Run when health permits.
i. Plan to run a marathon per year.
ii. Plan to run a Memorial Day flag run every year.
c. Make thing not so easy.
i. Park farther away.
ii. Take the stairs.
d. Wash cars weekly.
e. Start surfing again, Saturdays.
3. Record keeping.
a. Tract weight weekly.
b. Journal daily.
4. Treat Diabetes without wavier.
a. Test BG min 8x per day.
b. Change insertion sights every refill.
c. Treat highs over 250 with syringe.
d. Take medication on time.
e. See Endo every 3 months.
5. Misc odds and ends.
a. Cut alcohol to no more that 3 drinks per week.
b. Create a date night everyweek.
c. Read nightly.
d. Minimize TV & game time.
I just finished reading “A Few Degrees from Hell”. I enjoyed this book very much. I’ve always wanted to run the Badwater Ultra and this book brings the highs and lows right to you. We were going through a heat wave when I was reading it and I didn’t even notice. I loved how this book has several authors with completely different views and writing styles.
A Few Degrees from Hell: The 2003 Badwater Ultramarathon by Scott Ludwig
A Few Degrees from Hell: The 2003 Badwater Ultramarathon
The Badwater Ultramarathon is commonly referred to as 'the toughest footrace on the planet.' In 2003 defending champion Pam Reed, Dean Karnazes and 71 other runners took the ultimate challenge of running 135 miles in California from Badwater to the po...See More
Before I get started I just want to say "I love my Kindle”.
I just finished reading Born to Run. I very much enjoyed the book. It was well written and a fun story. I don’t think I’ll be running barefoot anytime soon, but it does make a good case for it. If you have any interest in running this is a recommended read.
At the heart of Born to Run lies a mysterious tribe of Mexican Indians, the Tarahumara, who live quietly in canyons and are reputed to be the best distance runners in the world; in 1993, one of them, aged 57, came first in a prestigious 100-mile race
This the the episode were I record myself running my Crazy Ass Birthday Ultra marathon. I run my age in miles, which is 43 at this time in 2009. This is my favorite episode because I completed a really big event and twittered the whole thing.
I was forwarded this from a friend.
When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.
So starting today…
And remember, mistakes make us human, failures help us grow, hope keeps us going and love is the reason we’re alive. So keep learning, loving and living. Never give up on yourself.
Although raising three children is the best adventure of all, this phase of my life is not marked by freedom—in terms of liberties and indulgences with time. But there is freedom in running. There is liberty and indulgence with time, even 30 precious minutes, if that's all the day affords. I am reminded—even if not one single thing on my calendar reflects it—that adventure is out there, always whispering to me, calling me forward.
Every day gives you an opportunity to improve. With every run, you can try to be better. Not just a better runner, but a better person.
John "The Penguin" Bingham, The Courage to Start