We all know that giving is important, but so few of us dig into that pocket unless there is something in return. I’m no different than anyone else. I did a bike century (100 mile bike ride), for the American Diabetes Assoc, to raise money and awareness. I kept telling myself I was giving. The more I think about it I realized that I wanted the jersey they were giving away and more importantly I wanted the cure and treatment that the money could buy.
I have a friend, Brian Howe, that I’
ve know for over 25 years. He has never, and I mean never, had an ulterior motive other then what he tells you. That’s not to say he
doesn’t do things for himself but when he does things for others it is for others and usually at great cost to him. Brian has taken on a challenge to race a half marathon over the mountains in central California to raise money for a good cause. He’s raising money to fight
Crohn’s disease. He needs our help raising money for this cause. Any amount would really help. I don’t have the money to give him but I know that he’ll need the help. I found some money I hope you will also. Please go to his website to help him help others:
http://www.active.com/donate/napa08laoc/BrianHoweMy training this weekend was rewarding but definitely difficult. I did a short swim in the ocean on Saturday not much surf and a bike ride to do so I
didn’t stay out. I talked Michael and his buddy into going for a ride with me. They were able to keep a 14-15 mph pace that kept me aerobic and even put in a little speed play. Sunday I did a 10 mile run but I waited till the afternoon to work in the heat. That was one tough run.\
My eating? Well let’s just say I love pizza but it
doesn’t agree with my sugars or my diet. I ordered pizza for the kids on Saturday and a big salad for myself. I just
couldn’t go without a piece or 2, I did stop at 2. Even with the
exercise the sugars are hard to control. I gave myself a big bolas but pizza comes back at you a couple hours later.
I spent a good hour with my pump and the
BG reports to modify the basal and bolus settings. So far it’s working really well.